Infant Program (Whole Child Development)


The infant years are the most impressionable years of a child’s life.  From the moment infants are born, they're ready to learn through meaningful interactions with people who care for them. As your baby grows, our teachers will be there helping him learn how to share, take turns, treat others gently, and make friends. They will encourage and guide your infant when necessary. Our environment and approach all lead to language, order, sensorial exposure, as well as development of coordinated movement, both fine- and gross-motor. Because an infant’s brain is wired for language acquisition, our environments offer rich opportunities for babies to learn through listening, singing and sign language. Each child in our care is an individual to be nurtured with affection and respect. Our classroom offer a peaceful and loving environment where children can explore and feel secure. At the heart of our approach is a warm and respectful partnership with your family.


Daily Routine

Children, like the rest of us, handle change best if it is expected and occurs in the context of a familiar routine. Most infants follow a routine, though not necessarily a strict schedule, that allows time for feeding, active time, and nap. Routine allows infants to feel safe, and to develop a sense of mastery in handling their lives. At L'academy we understand that infants are on their own schedules when it comes to eating and sleeping. When you first enroll, we will discuss about your child’s present routine as a starting point for us. That way we'll know how to best support you and your infant on this new and exciting journey.  


Sippy cups and food for infants are supplied from home. With fridges, freezers, and warmers in each Infant environment, we are set up to safely and hygienically accommodate both breastfed and formula-fed babies, finger foods, jarred meals, homemade purees, etc.

For children who are fully transitioned to solids, we prepare breakfast, a hot lunch and a morning and afternoon snack each day. We aim to use all organic ingredients and cook all the food ourselves, in-house.


The locations below offer this program.