How to Make the Most out of Your Time With Children


Creating family time is something of a puzzle. Our mornings are busy, our work days are long and sometimes chaotic, weekends are filled with all sorts of activities. However, it’s the quality of that time that’s important, not necessarily the quantity. Being present and aware with your children for an hour a day will always supersede two hours spent in their presence while you’re distracted on your phone or your computer. The good news is that with a little bit of planning you can pack a lot in from the moment work ends until heads hit the pillows at night. Here are our suggestions:

  • Cook Together - spend time together in the kitchen, make new memories, and eat something delicious as a result
  • Get Crafty- pick some activities on our Pinterest page
  • Use Chores to Bond - fold the laundry together, sweep the floor, or do grocery shopping together
  • Do a Hobby Together - collect stamps, bake, draw or paint, do a lego building
  • Use your Weekend to Bond - go to a picnic, museum or simply stay at home and watch a movie together

Finding time might seem like a challenge with all the things we have to deal on a daily basis. You can’t stop time, but you can make the most of it. Every day brings new growth, new milestones, but the challenges of juggling our adult lives often prevent us from fully appreciating the delicate nuances of childhood. Incorporating simple things into your daily routine like reading a book before bad or taking a short walk together after a long workday is enough to reconnect and bond with your child. Remember that years are passing by at warp speed and only seem to be going faster.

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