Benefits of an Active Lifestyle and DIY Games to Play Indoors/Outdoors at Home


Physical activity is vital for a child’s development and lays the foundation for a healthy and active life. In today's society obesity is a real problem, not just for adults but also for children. There are many reasons for this, some of them include not having access to a safe play area, or not having enough time during your busy work day to get your children to a soccer practice or a swimming class. No worries, there are plenty of things you can do at your home  to stay active every day and spend some quality time with your family. When it comes to being active, there is something for everyone. Try different activities to see what your child likes. Find things that are fun to do together. You can do simple things like dancing with your children, creating obstacle courses, organize a hunt that spreads across a large area, or even just inside your house. If the space allows, simple outdoor activities like gardening, hula hooping, or even taking a walk around your neighborhood. Physical activity helps prevent or reduce many health problems. These are just a few benefits of keeping your children active:

  • It helps make bones and muscles strong
  • It builds strength and endurance
  • It lowers blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels
  • It improves sleep and mental health
  • It improves self-esteem
  • It relieves stress and helps with focus and concentrate
  • It improves balance coordination

The extended time spent indoors due to social distancing can make it easy for kids to turn to screen time for their go-to activity. Use this time to bring everyone together and have some indoor family fun. Here you can find some creative and interesting DIY games. Have fun!

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