Benefits of STEM in Preschool Classrooms


Children are born scientists. They need adult support to realize and expand their natural STEM capacities.These days, when you talk about early childhood education, you’re bound to hear someone bring up the topic of - a blend of science and math withengineering and technology. Young children learn the best through active exploration. The drive to observe, interact, discover, and explore is inherent in their development. During the earliest years, infants and toddlers develop 700 neural connections every second. These neurological processes and natural curiosity of how the world works make early childhood an optimal time to introduce children to scientific inquiry. That is why it is important to introduce STEM based curriculum during this sensitive period of development and set your child on a path to develop a love of scientific inquiry. As a parent, you can help your child achieve this by engaging in related activities at home or outside the home, such as taking trips to a STEM museum or to a library with STEM resources or enrolling the child in STEM-relevant after-school activities.

There are many benefits of STEM Education:

  • Children build resilience, they learn in a safe environment that allows them to fall and try again.
  • STEM education teaches students how to solve problems by using their critical thinking skills.
  • Children are encouraged to experiment and take risks.
  • Children are encouraged to work in teams to find solutions to problems. The end result are children who understand how to collaborate with others and thrive in a team-oriented environment.

Click here for more information on STEM Education.

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