Social Emotional Development


It is never too early to begin supporting children's social and emotional development.  Research shows that infants are born able to connect with other people in their environment. Social and emotional development helps children to understand who they are, what they are feeling and what to expect when interacting with other people around them. This ability to delay gratification and regulate our emotions and behavior is a key component of a set of skills often referred to as social-emotional skills. When children's social and emotional development is compromised, it can create significant challenges for children leading to failure in school, inability to make and sustain friendships, and can create negative feelings about themselves. That is why it's very important to nurture your child’s social and emotional development from the moment they are born.

Social/emotional learning offers the following benefits:

  • Academic Success
  • Fewer Behavioral Problems
  • Positive Social Behavior
  • Less Emotional Distress
  • Improves self-regulation skills
  • Encourages Empathy

Click here to get more information on how you can support emotional development of your child.

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